Monday, 18 October 2010

HD Ready TV flicker - flickering with SKY + HD Flashing problems HDTV Converter problem

It is the day and age where we all want those stunning high definition pictures. If you have Sky HD and from 2009 onwards you will not be given the old generation HD boz which had the component video out slots on the back.

So you do have an older HD Ready TV and you find it only has the component phono inputs / DVI inputs but no HDMI slots ?? So what do you do?

Most people just wait on the Sky engineer to come out to see what he recommends and the Sky engineer will fob you off with a scart connection and say you can only recieve standard definition. If you live in the great part of the United Kingdom known as Northern Ireland, you will get a very adventurous Sky HD engineer who will attenpt to connect you up using an HDMI cable coming from the box with an HDMI - DVI converter on the other end which quite simply won't work, especially on a Hyundai HD TV.


This is what you do... You sinply navigate to and purchase an HDMI - DVI cable. You may think this is the exact same thing but its not. You need the direct cable as the converter loses too much of the signal during output.


USE THIS! (Below)

Mobile Phone Bluetooth Transfer Problems

If you have a USB bluetooth dongle or a built in bluetooth card sometimes you will find that (especially sony ericsson mobiles) will not allow the transfer of pictures to the laptop or desktop pc.

This happens for many reasons and can be fixed by simply downloading the software studio for the particular mobile phone. Then just go about your business as usual and it will now work. If not just leave a comment and I will look into it further...

Here are some links to the various providers offering desktop studio software. The cool thing is that the software will also allow you to send text messages from your computer without physically using your phone which is great if you are surfing.



1. Download and install the latest firefox browser

2. Type about:config into the address bar and hit enter.

3. Type network into the search box to look for a particular string setting.

4. Scroll down and look for network.http.pipelining. You will want to double click this setting to change it to true and make sure it says it is user set.

5. The scroll down to network.http.proxy.pipelining and double click this setting so that it is also true.

6. The up to network.http.pipelining.maxrequests and double click this setting. When the dialogue box appears you will enter the number 30 and click okay.

7. Then anywhere on the whitespace at the right hand side right click the mouse button and select new –Then select Integer. You will then enter nglayout.initialpaint.delay as the name and click ok. And FINALLY enter the number 0 in the next area that comes up and then click ok.

8. RESTART firefox and you now are benefitting from a superfast internet experience and are getting value from your broadband connection.